10×10 meter crater after explosion in a field in Vals

On Saturday morning there was an explosion in a field in the municipality of Vals. The police found a 10×10 meter crater there. surveys are ongoing.

VALS. On Saturday, August 5, at 8:44 a.m., several people reported an explosion and subsequent development of smoke in a field in the municipality of Vals. When a police patrol arrived at the said field, they found an approximately 10×10 meter crater in the field.

Explosives specialists on the way
There are currently six police patrols and emergency services from the local fire brigades on site. A police officer specializing in explosives is on the way. According to current knowledge, there are no injured persons or property damage to buildings. The L229 is currently completely blocked – local detour available.

At around 8:40 a.m., an aircraft bomb with a slow-release detonator, probably weighing around 250 kilograms, detonated on a green area used for agriculture in Vals. The explosion was caused by someone else’s doing. The incident was reported due to several callers via emergency call. It is possible that a slope movement due to heavy rainfall was the trigger for the self-ignition. Material fatigue in the igniter could also have triggered this.

No one injured and no property damage
Due to the enormous force created by the explosion, a crater measuring approximately 12×12 meters formed. Nobody was injured and there was no damage to property. The Schmirntaler Landesstraße L 229 was closed to all traffic from 9:10 a.m. to 10:50 a.m., a local detour was given. There is a railway tunnel 200 meters from the scene. This was also not damaged by the explosion and rail traffic was able to continue without restrictions.
30 emergency services from the Vals and Schmirn fire brigades, a rescue team, an OBB operations manager, a police officer with explosives knowledge, a police explosives detection dog and three police patrols were deployed.

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